Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Letter to Life, a hated friend...

Dear Life,

    You have been very crazy lately....I don't know what your deal is, but ever since January started you have been giving me a whole lot of stress. This semester has kinda been a kick in the pants. Yet it is only the fourth week of school. WHAT IS YOUR DEAL! If you could please stop being so intense, i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks
     While you may have given me a lot of grief recently, i don't think i would have it any other way. If you were boring and predictable each day i may get bored. So in one way i do need to thank you for keeping it interesting. I guess what i am trying to say is lighten up a little bit....but not too much.
     I also need to thank you for the awesome things that you give me. Like my Family. Without them you would have no meaning whatsoever. I spent the night at a never ending Reflections Ceremony tonight for my cousin Trevor. He is a stud. I thought that i may explode with the bizarre representations of what was deemed "art" yet i quite enjoyed my time with my 7 and 8 year old cousins. They are a hoot. I also saw all my mission buddies the other day. WONDERFUL stress reliever. Its these little things that you throw at me that make me remember that you are good, and maybe not out to get me.
   Needless to say, i guess i love you life. We have a strange love hate relationship going on at the moment, but i think those are the best. Bring what you must, i may vent and cuss, but all in all i will love it.


     Coolest Cousins in the WORLD...and these are only three...i have many more.

Mission amigos...they rock my world.