Friday, March 23, 2012

Chemistry, Missions, and Life

So I haven’t blogged for quite some time…  I know…but the whole purpose of this blog was for me to blog when I actually meant it, not as some pop culture journal. This means I do not feel bad for not posting in forever. Truth is I have been crazy busy, which is the slight purpose of this blog post. : D

 Yes me and Emily are the most beautiful creature god has made...dont deny it.

                Life has been pretty hectic these past couple of months. I made the huge decision awhile back and dropped my chemistry class. Now at the end of the semester I can see that it was a WONDERFUL decision. I am up to my knees in busy work, and I really think I would have exploded if I tried to take on chemistry. I hate these types of deisicons. I HATE taking risks and even more so when it comes to my career.  So I never really know if the decisions I make are going to end up hurting me or helping. Fortunately it looks like this was a good one. I should be even more prepared for Chemistry in the future now by taking lower level classes. Moral of the story is I still hate chemistry with an undying passion, but the hatred may be quelled a bit…

                Other than that school has definitely not slowed down. It in fact has sped up you could say.  My introductory zoology class is kicking my butt. There is a lot more busy work then I intended. My neuroscience class however is fascinating. I have begun to think that I may specialize in neuroscience after I get my MD. I think the subject is wonderful. We will see though.

                Eric got his mission call and he is off to Seattle Washington on April 11th. Super proud of the kid, and it’s going to be the best thing he has ever done. It will be so good for him, and I am excited to be with him every step of the way. It is truly bizarre however to be on the other side of the mission. Watching him go through this all does not make me miss those feelings. While it was the best thing in the world I have EVER done, it was also the worst, hardest, challenging, and difficult thing I have ever done, and probably would never do it again. The hardest thing for me was just losing my family. Yeah yeah I know I could write them but it is NOT the same. Not at all. My family is SO close, and to have that taken away really sucked to be quite honest.  I saw wonderful things happen on my mission. People were truly converted and I was converted alongside with them.  However, ironically the happiest part I was on my mission was seeing my family as I came down the escalator. Some people probably think that this makes me a terrible missionary, but they can think what they want. I know I was successful. I did not lock my family away for two years like some missionaries do. They were there with me every step of the way, and I would have it no other way.

                It may be prideful of me, but I am really not looking for that day when Eric leaves. I know it is the right thing and will be the best thing IN THE WORLD for the kid, but I am sick of being away from family, and now I have to wait two more years! Oh missions. They are very fickle things. Deep down I know this will change the kid’s life, but that doesn’t mean it will be difficult for everyone. It’s just part of enduring I guess, which is after all the hardest part of it all.
                Well this is a bizarre blog post, but it’s how I am feeling, so I guess it makes it a good blog post haha. It’s also the whole point of this thing I guess. To vent to something that won’t call me obnoxious, or sacrilegious because I am being selfish. Hah my posts are far and few between, but to me they are done when needed, and this post was definitely needed! : D

Yes my family is utterly awesome.