Saturday, June 29, 2013


I’ve got Blogging fever. Deal with it. The fiancé and I watched the movie “Impossible” last night. If you have not seen this movie, please stop everything you are doing and go check it out. Breathtaking. The movie is about a family who was separated during the massive tsunami in east Asia a few years ago. It documents their struggles to get back together again and it will change your life. Such a profound movie.

I am the kind of guy who analyzes movies up the wazoo. Its probably due to my neuroscience minor. I feel like I psychoanalyze WAY too much. Ask Kylie. But as is customary I dived deep into this movie and tried to find a deeper meaning. And guess what? I did.

            All throughout the movie it showed how during a disaster people seem to become different. We put differences aside and we see each other as human beings. With the exception of some true pricks in the world, people naturally want to help people when they can see suffering. I have often heard that disasters bring people together better than anything else. This is sad, but look at our history. From 9-11 to the Boston bombings. America is most united when we are suffering together. I think that is terrible.

            The movie is called impossible. Is it really impossible for us to care and treat each other differently without a disaster occurring? Why is it so hard for humans to be kind to each other? Why do we attack and harass one another when things are not catastrophic? But the minute people start to die its like the rose tinted glasses come off and we see each other for who we really are? It doesn’t make sense to me.

            Doesn’t it make more sense to be kind to people everyday? So when the catastrophes happen we will have no regrets. I am not perfect and I can be a mega douche to people sometimes. But I want to change. I want to see people for who they are. The world is filled with different ideals, opinions, beliefs, gods, dogmas, morals, and truths. Yet at the same time all these people are humans. Conscience beings with families. People with stories. People who have trials and afflictions and joys and happiness. Why can’t we connect with that instead of challenging the different ways of life?

            Impossible. I don’t think it is. I have a new ambition to turn this impossible way of thinking into the possible. A new goal to meet new people and see what makes them who they are. A new desire to do something with my life. To go somewhere and help people. To make a difference. To make my own impossible, into a beautiful possible.
Love this saying.

Luckily I have a beautiful future wife who is perfect at this.

P.S. Random post, but the movie was one of those movies that makes you re think your life. Which means it was an exceptional movie.

P.P.S 500 points for reading. 200 more if you go get the movie and watch. And 5000 more if you go out and make a new friend today.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Youtube Fridays

        So i spend a lot of time on Youtube....probably too much. I think it is a wonderful site and gives us the opportunity to share our lives. Cheesy I know. But think how crazy youtube has changed our daily life. The other day me and my sister wasted 2 hours just watching videos.

        I have wanted to do this for awhile, but thought it was dumb. But I am getting over myself and I am starting a Youtube Friday event! Every Friday I will post a video I have found during the week that I enjoy, think is hilarious, is thought provoking, or just cool. If you find one send me the link! Oh the craziness we could discover! Withouth further adieu I present!

Youtube Friday #1

In light of this weeks events I think this is an exceptional video. The song is moving and I think we can all learn from it a bit. I love the message.

"I might not be the same
But that's not important

No freedom til we're equal
Damn right I support it"
Congrats to everyone who got a little bit more of equality this week!

Why it is evolutionarily better to be tall.

For the past couple of days me and my beautiful Fiancé (mostly me…) have been compiling an intricate list. Our list is a series of scientific observations we have made as to why it is more evolutionarily successful to be tall. Both of us are in the 6foot range while everyone else we associate with is hobbit size in comparison. Their life must be so difficult, and now as you will shortly see. Natural selection is selecting against the short people of the world.

Emily's life must be so difficult.....
A scientific study as to why it is evolutionarily more successful to be tall.
Reason I: In a large crowd of Homo sapiens, it is advantageous to the altitudinous in that they are able to see over the populations of other more “smaller” species. This allows the tall species to see better at concerts, sporting events, and other heavily crowded activities.                                                                                                                                                           *Sub note: Isn’t it interesting that smaller Homo sapiens stand on their tippy toes as to become more tall….

Reason II: Similarly the small sub species must take 10 steps for every 5 steps tall species must take. Therefore in a race or when being chased by cheetahs, tall people are more energy efficient and more likely to survive.

            Reason III: In the case of a recreational sporting event tall Homo sapiens excel exceedingly. We are able to see things while the smaller sub-species can only see into our chest.


            Reason IV: We are able to reach things. Like our mascot the giraffe, we are able to reach all things. Objects located high on the bookshelf, in the supermarket aisle, or even on the top shelf in the kitchen. There are few things that we cannot reach.


            Reason V: In sexual selection women tend to choose mates who are taller and thus more attractive.


            Reason VI: We are more noticeable. In a large group of species competing to volunteer in a sporting event…we will be seen first. Small species may only have their feet seen.


            Reason VII: Tall species are often the most attractive of all species, therefore we are mistaken for models and Hollywood stars. Making us awesome.


            Reason VIII: Our height often deters predators. Such as rapists, drug lords and muggers.


            Reason IX: We usually never have to worry about seeing over someone in front of us. This is especially important in the movie theaters. No matter where we are. We can see.


            Reason X: Being tall allows for more muscle development. Physiologically speaking having long limbs allows muscles to grow better and become more developed. Making tall people stronger and awesome.

This was just too awesome.


This was quite the ridiculous post. But enjoyable none the less. This was all in good fun, and if you got offended by this…then you are lame. (or short.. ;)) Please add to my list or counter it with a list of why short people are better. I dare you. I can’t think of any. J


P.S. 300 points for reading! Are you close to leveling up?

Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Paradox of Test Taking

Story of my life....
 Just took a 7 week microbiology class. As I told Emily and her friends last night...Id rather strip naked and sit on an open fire before doing that again. It was brutal. Basically it was a semester length class crammed into seven long and hellish weeks. A class that I would normally love made me hate the microscopic prokaryotes. The class would cover three chapters a week, with homework assignments, a lecture quiz, two labs, lab finals every other weeks, and more “choose all that apply” questions that made me want to just drink the vial of Staphylococcus aureus just to end it all. All in all though. I learned something intriguing about tests.

   As previously noted this class had tests every week. Things would get real stressful. Especially for the finals. At that break neck pace if you fell behind you were doomed to get a myonecrotic infection from falling behind so much. (see picture) Taking this many tests I learned the irony of actual test taking. I would rack my brain and cause myself a butt load of ridiculous stress. And all for what? For my micro final I put in over 8 hours to study for one test. I printed homework question, test questions, highlighted all my notes 6 times over, read the book, wrote my own essay questions, answered those essay questions, and even made like 50 index cards with various microbes and the diseases they cause. Then I took the test and it lasted 34 minutes. 60 multiple choice, and 4 essays. And it all was over. Just like that.

Myonecrotic infection, caused my alpha toxins and Co2 being released from necrotic tissue not a local infection, caused by  Clostridium perfringens....WASH YOUR WOUNDS!

   Don’t get me wrong I am SO glad its over. I just feel kind of empty. Sure I got a good grade on the test and what not, but all of that work! All those crying tree families for the paper I used. All the stress and negative emotions I put on myself and projected to my fiancée. All the speculation and worrying about “what will be on the test?” For 34 minutes of my life. It kind of seems like a paradox to me.

   (Good) College students put so much effort into our classes. So much stress, and worrying, and damn speculation about what we will need to know. (Most of the times it’s completely opposite from what we study for) And then BOOM. 34 minutes later its over. Its like a drug. We are so stimulated and intense and then all of the sudden it’s gone. Cocaine is a huge stimulation followed by a huge crash... I wonder if we have a dopamanergic response to tests….future research! (Neuro friends…ideas… thoughts!?!?!)

   I guess what I am getting at is I wish there was another way to assess what I know. You ask me about any strain of common bacteria and I can tell you all about it. But my professor generates a multiple test based on what he thinks I should know. Wouldn’t higher education be more effective if we had oral and written tests? I know I would feel more intellectually verified if I could just converse with my professors about what I know. Instead of: “Which of the following causes Impetigo in children?” Why not: “Tell me what you know about impetigo and what causes it?” One just seems a little more fulfilling to me.

   Unfortunately this isn’t going to end for me. I take the MCAT text summer…and the stress and worrying has already begun. Not to mention my medical boards. Booyeah!
For all my new micro friends!


P.S. Random but sincere. Give yourself 400 blog points!
P.P.S: do you agree? Do you love tests? What would you change?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Happy Purge Day!

On June 7th, My sister Sarah asked me if there were no rules or laws, which 12 would I break? This is quite the loaded question and I told her I would have to get back to her. This question stems from the new horror movie called The Purge.  In the movie, the crime rate in America has decreased incredibly because every year for 12 hours there are no laws, and no consequences for breaking them. All emergency contact is cancelled and you can do what ever you want. The movie looks intense, and focuses on revenge and murder. However, I think the idea is brilliant. What would we do if we knew we wouldn’t be punished for it? Sarah would speed, and maybe dash and dine…. Haha She is not on my Purge team. She asked for it and here is my list of twelve laws that I would break if there were no consequences.


***For arguments sake, anything that is done in Purge is acceptable even after the twelve hours are up. If I steal a car it is mine as long as I manage to keep it through purge. You cannot be held accountable for anything done during Purge. ***


1-I’d rob a bank. Completely. Dry it out. I would then deposit it at America First Credit Union and maybe open some CD’s or invest it somewhere.


2- I would then rob a pharmacy. Take all the medication and then open my own pharmacy. Also I wouldn’t mind using the Adderall for my trigonometry tests….


3- I would get Paden Moss to hack into Weber States grading program and give myself a 4.0. Also a full ride scholarship would be nice.


4- I would then get Mr. Moss to hack into the admission department of both Penn State and the U and have them accept me already as a med student.


5- I would steal a house. I would find a nice Victorian close to campus and just kick/force the people out and move on in!


6- I would go on an incredibly awesome shopping trip and just take what ever I wanted. Clothes, books, video games, cars, and food. Anything and everything I could possibly imagine would be mine!


7- Id go to the movies, not pay for my ticket, and then movie hop. And not even care! (this is something I have always wanted to do anyway….)


8-I would openly tell people what I thought of them with no regard to my manners and or fear of losing my job….


9- I would not pay for my gas.


10- I’d hire a prostitute. Just for the fun of it ;)


11- I would experiment with some drugs. Like ecstasy. I think I would be a pretty fun kid if I was on ecstasy. Or maybe marijuana. Either way I’d be the life of the party.

12- I would roam the streets naked. No laws telling me I can’t. I came into this world naked; I will party on purge naked!


            Obviously with it being purge anyone could kill me with no regrets if I tried to rob someplace. But that’s not the point…haha We talked about this over dinner and discussed what everyone would do. It was a lot of fun. Comment on stuff you would do! It could be quite the fuin topic to discuss with everyone. Would you do something crazy? Or be like Sarah and just dine and dash? Emily would be a nut case. Kylie and I decided from now on June 7th is now national Purge day. A party is in the plans…..


p.s. 500 blog points for reading and 2000 if you comment on what you would do on Purge!


p.p.s Go check out this blog! It has got to be one of the funniest/coolest blogs I have ever found. Quite profound.  Plus the creator is a local from teh SLC area! Woop Utah power! Love this blog, its hysterical and deep at the same time! He talks about some pretty intense things and makes some incredible points. Probably my favorite blog. Plus Emily and I are famous. We sent in a pic which got featured in one of his articles.




Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A necessary evil in the pediatric world.

Many of you know that I work in a Pediatric office. I LOVE my job. A lot. When it comes to medicine there isn’t much I don’t love. Things such as throat swabs, urine spinning, sutures, and finger pricking, are a few of the various tasks I do in my office. All of which I enjoy. (Swab is one of those words…just figured that out. Like moist…or soiled.) I also love the kids. They. Are. Hysterical. And yet, many of them hate me because I poke them with needles and such. If there is anything though I DESPISE about my jobs…it’s the parents.
How i feel about this...

Parents. A necessary evil in the pediatric world. These past three weeks I have met a sloo of ornery parents who could probably benefit from a shot or two themselves. Today I endured ranting’s from a woman who wanted to know why I had to poke her child’s finger to test for hemoglobin. I need blood. How do you get blood? Poking, biting, vomiting, pooping or cutting. Take your pick. And let me know what it is.  She then had to leave the room so she wouldn't see her child suffer.  I understand that it isn't fun to watch your kid cry. But come on. This is medicine. Not torture.  The tests we are doing will help identify if your child has any diseases and or genetic defects. Your child will heal from a small pin prick. Everything will be fine.  Don’t attack medicine because we cause one minute of pain and crying. The future benefits GREATLY out way the drawbacks. And by the way…most of the times the nerves are not developed enough to even sense that much pain. They cry because they are uncomfortable. And they DEFINITELY won’t remember. Anyone remember their circumcision? Didn’t think so.

My biggest beef with parents in a medical setting is those who do not immunize their children. UGH if you know me you know this is one of my biggest pet peeves of all times. (dont bring it up when i am around...) I feel it is one of the most arrogant and selfish things you can do to your child. I do not understand the rationale behind it. Don’t even try the whole “they cause autism/ADD/any other behavioral disease” at me. I will blast you with about 100 articles proving you wrong. I think this hits home so much is that my Grandpa almost died of polio. And his sister did. Yet we have children who are in our schools and communities who can contract the disease. Because their parents don't want them to have another disease... We have already eradicated about 99% of the disease through the vaccine. But it only takes one child. One kid who is not immune to it, to have that one virus who has received immunity from resistance plasmids. Who then passes that IMMUNE polio virus to the next person. Bringing an “extinct” disease back.  I will be the first to kidney punch that parent if my kid gets some sort of new polio virus because their kid is not vaccinated.
Yeah lets not vaccinate. 

Final beef at the moment. Parents who think we can bend the rules. In medicine there are VERY strict rules. ESPECIALLY when it pertains to controlled substances like Adderall, Ritalin, Vyvanse, Focalin, Metadate, Concerta and other ADD Stimulants. (all of which are addictive and can cause death with overdose…hence the CONTROLLED part) These drugs are DANGEROUS. They are used to treat a very difficult yet over diagnosed disease. Medical offices cannot just hand out prescriptions willy nilly. Yet parents think that we can just fill them if they don’t meet certain requirements. I HATE THIS. Drives me crazy. Just because you didn't keep track of the pills your child is taking, or you lost your prescription you think I will make it rain Adderall from the heavens. Its not manna. There are rules I will follow and you need to follow the same ones. Hell, if I wanted to I would just get a prescription ready for myself. I have a trigonometry test next Wednesday that I could use some Adderall for. Pretty sure some parents have the same idea. Not kidding.
Accuarte representation of a few parents in my office. 

Wow. This was quite the therapeutic rant.  Sorry if I offended any one or any personal beliefs. But these are my beliefs and I am entitled to them. Shout out to the parents of the world. PLEASE do your research about vaccines. They are not bad. Check your sources and then ask your doctor. I am 398% sure they will tell you vaccinate your children. I have thought about not even accepting children who are not vaccinated when I become a physician. It’s that important to me. Everything else. Just be a decent person. No one likes a jerk.

P.S. Sorry if I did offended any one. These themes are clos e to my heart as an aspiring medical professional. Believe it or not I am all for researching aromatherapy techniques! :D if that is any consolation.

p.p.s 1000 blog points. This one was a doosie.