Friday, July 26, 2013

Another Pediatric Rant.

Yup. Here is another one. A rant about the inner workings of the pediatric world. You sick of these yet? Tough. I work in a pediatric office. What do you expect? Deal with it. I sometimes hate when I just blog-rant. But it is so stress relieving. So you may just have to deal with one more of these. Sorry.

Just a heads up. I am not a parent. Probably won’t be for awhile. But where I work I see parents in action and sometimes it makes me sick. So this is an opinion. On what I consider “Bad Parenting” to be. Don’t agree? That’s fine.

First off… minor rant of sorts. If you have children and you take them to a public place…PLEASE clean up after them. I swear I have cleaned up poop on walls before in my office. Sometimes I walk into a room ready to clean it for the next patient and it is like 3 little tornados have gone through the room. Crumbs are everywhere, it smells like rank diaper, our books are destroyed, and walls are colored. How in hells sake can you just let your children run amuck and destroy other people’s property. Had I done that as I child I would be punished faster than you swat at a mosquito. It is ridiculous how inconsiderate some people are. GAH! Fix it future parents. Its pathetic.

Now the major rant. Put your big kid pants on. This might get crazy. Every now and then we get children who are spawn of Satan. Hellians. Demons. They scream and kick and yell and bite. (yes we have had people bitten) Just the joys of working with kids right? WRONG! I honestly believe that behavior is learned. Yes genetics take a role in certain things, but in this regard I am 100% nurture. (Unless there is physical brain deformities or problems...but that’s a whole other post)

About 110% of the time these children have parents who baffle me. While their child is screaming at me while all I want to do is weigh them….they sit there and are playing “Angry Birds”. Or they sooh and cooh to the child and say in the sweetest voice possible “it’s all right.” I understand that we are kind of a traumatizing place to be at. I get that. But this goes deeper then freaking out about getting a shot and crying.

How my patients acted today, and how I feel about this topic...


What I am talking about is these kids learn the system. If they throw a fit they will get away with it. They become entitled. If I don’t get what I want, I will throw a fit until I get what I want. Mom and Dad aren’t going to do anything about it. Then when I get what I want I will be the cute little angel my parents are conditioning me not to become. Soon I am a terror and when they can’t control me they will blame it on ADD. (once again a WHOLE other post that I will not even mention at the moment.)


For me I hate this. I think it stems a lot of problems in society. I think this form of pediatric entitlement eventually morphs into bullying, and other adolescent issues. Procrastination and street youths (if you get the New Girl reference you are a rock star) thinking they are better then everyone else. There is an article on KSL that is BOOMING with comments about a group of cheerleaders from Highland. They are upset because they are being kicked off the cheerleading team because they had 18 UNEXCUSED ABSENCES! Eighteen. Not two. Almost Twenty. What ever happened to consequences and accepting that sometimes you don’t get everything you want? Here is the article. Its ridiculous how many parents are defending them saying that the school is in the wrong. What the hell!?



The point I guess that I am trying to get at with this post is aimed at parents. Don’t let your kids control you. They need to learn responsibility. If you do not teach them that by act and deed. Through punishment and example. They will never learn. And they will grow up to be bullies and Highland Cheerleaders. Like I said earlier…I am not a parent. But I have INCREDIBLE examples all around me. One thing they have in common…their children behave. Why? Because they don’t put up with their crap. Be proactive. Care about the future of your children. What we do when out kids are 2 and 3 can have a profound impact on their lives. Make sure it is the right impact.

ugh....too true.



P.S. this is a long one. Sorry. Very close topic that I see on a daily basis. What do you think about the whole issue?


P.P.S 2000 blog points for reading. This one was brutal.

Youtube Friday #5

I don't think I even need to explain why I am posting this. But I will. Only because I rock. Catching Fire is my favorite of this incredible series. And this movie trailer looks like it will not disappoint!!!

This movie will blow my mind away. So excited.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Youtube Friday #4

This week on My Youtube Friday is the "Ghost Poop Story!" If this doesn't make you laugh then you have no soul. This man is a genius story teller. His other stuff is quite hilarious as well!
P.S. If you find anything that blows your mind on Youtube let me know. I love a good youtube video...

Music and the Imperius Curse

Sorry it has been awhile since I have blogged. I have been busy planning the wedding of the century and time escapes you. Luckily have saved a few ideas that I have been floating around in my brain….this should allow me to blog a little bit more consistently for a bit! Whoop.

This post is another one about music. I love music. A lot. Who doesn’t!? Crazy people. However this post isn’t about songs I love or bands who have incredible lyrics…it’s about something that I have been wondering about for a bit and I would like to see some other peoples opinion on the matter.

The question at hand is…can music make us do things? Can repetition of a certain style of music or hearing certain lyrics alter our decisions and make us do stuff. In essence, can music control our minds? How many bands have been attacked for being “the devil’s music?” or “Brainwashing music…”

I completely agree with the fact that music can influence our mood. When I am pissed I will listen to certain songs that help me vent that anger. When I am emotional I have certain songs that help me come out of the slump. I think this aspect of music is incredible and is very healthy for the crazy journey that is life. However I don’t think that by doing this the music is making me act in a certain way…or is it?

I have started pondering this with the large amount of crazy music on the radio at the moment. Primarily Miley Cyrus’s crazy new song “We Cant Stop.” (the music video will ghive you nightmares…Hannah Montana is truly dead) A song that basically tells its listeners that it doesn’t matter what you do because the only person who can judge who is god. Then you have the onslaught of “life is a party” lyrics in singers like Ke$ha. Who basically tell the world that life is a party and that we shouldn’t need to grow up… This also compliments Avril Lavignes new hit as well.
After watching the new music video....

Don’t get me wrong…I thoroughly enjoy these songs. But to me they are just fun songs. I listen to the real lyrics and I wouldn’t want my future children embracing the themes of the songs. It would ruin their lives. Does that happen though? Do we let music become so much a part of us that we start to let it influence our decisions? How many punk rock songs talk about suicide and then when kids kill themselves we blame a song. How is that even possible?    

My opinion is that all men have agency. The ability to choose our destiny. I don’t think that music makes us do things. I think it can influence our mood and our attitude. But I don’t think it makes us act a certain way. With this is mind, I think I am able to enjoy music a lot more, as I am not so caught up in the “brainwashing” of the song. I mean The Beatles were thought to cause brainwashing, and is there really a better band then the Beatles!?

Random and fragmented post…but comes from the soul. Let me know if you disagree or agree. I would like to get other peoples opinions on this!

I just thought is was absolutely hilarious....

P.S. 900 points if you state your opinion. Plus I will give you 3 high fives next time I see you! ;)

Friday, July 12, 2013

Youtube Friday #3

This week is something chill. I am madly in love with this song. And this cover version of it is 500'xs better. Let me know what you think!!!!

Don't know why but its awesome!

P.S. Real post coming tomorrow!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Youtube Friday #2!

This weeks video features one of mine and the FiancĂ©'s favorite at the moment. It features quite the array of journal entrees of cats. Who doesn't love cats? Sadist and atheists. That's who. ;) This clip is hilarious and will make you look at your cats in a whole new light. Especially when they start to sing the song of their people. My personal favorite part.....

Youtube Friday #2 
What was your favorite entry?
What is your favorite cat clip from the Youtube?
p.s. Share a cat video that makes me laugh and you'll get 5000 blog points......