Saturday, December 15, 2012

Where are you Christmas?

Well finals are over and I survived with some pretty great grades. Can’t Complain. The Christmas gods have smiled upon me and somehow by their grace I got a B IN CHEMISTRY! Suck it chemicals! After the fiasco last semester this was such a relief. Now I can enjoy the holidays in full force. And it will be jam packed with awesome.

While the holidays are around the corner we as a country are faced with something horrendous. The shooting of the elementary school kids in Connecticut will usher in this Christmas season. This is an incredible tragedy and I honestly do not know how to react to it all. It makes me sick. How a person could get so depraved that the only release is to shoot 20 elementary school children is beyond me. As an aspiring pediatrician, who cares greatly for children, I can’t even fathom how this man thought he could take the lives of these innocent children in his hands. It is one of the greatest tragedies this country has had to face recently.

To those of you are now debating the ethics and morals of gun control I ask you is it the time? It has been one day since the shootings and the debate is as heated as ever with people attacking each other for what they believe. My thoughts on it have been shattered and now I do not know what the best path is to take. This to me clearly shows how divided our country really is. In this dark hour the United States needs to be united and pray for these poor families. Can we not put our political opinions aside for awhile and just be humans? Stop worrying what is so important that we must have or not have and start caring about those who have lost so much. It pains me to see so much debate about guns, when we all could be out there telling our loved ones how much they mean to us, or helping someone else have a better holiday. Tis the season?

In a way this event has really put everything into perspective for me. I hope my friends and family will value a little bit more what is important in our lives. Especially during this exciting part of the year. I know I will. Christmas is a time for family and being grateful for the things we have. Many people have lost both of those things in this tragedy. Now I hope more than ever that our country can ultimately learn from this event and unite. If not our country than our communities and our families. My family is the most important thing in my life, and to lose them would be my end of the world. I can only imagine what those poor Connecticut families must be feeling at this time of the year. I echo our president’s words to hold on to what we have a little bit more. Tell those who you love that you do love them. Whatever dilemma or drama you are facing, maybe it is time to forgive and forget and start to love. Only that hope will truly heal us from this awful and devastating moment in our history.

Merry Christmas

Two favorite quotes from Les Miserables.

“Oh ye wretched of the earth, there is a flame that never dies. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.”

“To love another person is to see the face of God”