Monday, November 26, 2012

The seven days of hell...I mean finals week...

                Today as I walked around campus I got this bizarre feeling from everyone. If you looked into the eyes of a person you could see their soul. The face was gaunt, the stride was sluggish, and the skin was necrotic.  We must be getting close to finals.

                I do believe me and my fellow colleagues and everyone in school at the moment is suffering from a new disease I just made up called “endofthesemester necrosis.” This damaging disease occurs when all the professors decide to have their finals all at the same time. We have worked so hard through the semester and now in the end…we want to give up and just be done. Our study habits start to dwindle, we lose interest in things we once thought interesting, we DO NOT want to go to that 7.30am chemistry class -_- , and we start to BS everything. We start to become zombies..(maybe this is the real zombie apocalypse) SO as helpless students this adds up quite quickly and then we have a sympathetic nervous system reaction (pretend you are getting chased by a rabid bear for you non-medical folk….) I am guilty of getting EXTREMELY laid back when it comes to the end. I must conquer it. However, with that seductive siren named Christmas seductively calling me and a stomach full of turkey and yams…it’s not that easy. It sucks.
I saw this man on campus today. True Story. And all he did was bleed on his math book...

I remember it happening as a senior in high school. Where every day seems meaningless and miserable. Where my amigos just lose their luster and all I want is for it to be done. And guess what. It ended. And it was super weird (sometimes I have an allergic reaction to being an adult…they are not fun). As with this semester all things come to an end. We as students just have to put our big boy pants on and wade through the grey mass of senselessness. Then once we reach that blessed Monday when all the classes are done. We look back and feel triumphant. Then we miss that loathsome thing that is school and we go insane and go back another semester. We are fickle things. Whatever is your motivation. Keep at it. (I could use a massive bottle of Motivation…I could overdose pretty quickly I do believe…) Through thick and thin, hell and back, we can’t give up. If we do…it all means nothing. Three Cheers for school and Three cheers for Finals week!

(and maybe three cheers for caffeine and youtube to keep us distracted….)


P.S. Award yourself 200 blog points for reading! You go Glen Coco!

P.P.S Award another 200 points if you leave feedback….

P.P.P.S Award another 500 points if you make it through the semester. Alive. And not a Zombie…

P.P.P.P.S 300 points to RAVENCLAW!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

The Thankful Game

So lots of people are doing the massive list of things to be thankful for. Last yeat I did this on my facebook when it was still “new.” This year however, everyone and their dog seems to do it…so I though I would make it a bit more personal and post it here. I will do 31 things. However, I will post 16 things I am thankful (half will probably be about family.) for, and then 15 things I am not thankful for. Just to keep it interesting. : D
Me and Emily pulling of a beautiufl representation of a turkey at last years Thanksgiving!
1- I am thankful for the Gospel in my life. This really has made me who I am today and I would be a mess without it. Sometimes I get frustrated with the culture aspect of it living in Utah, but deep down I would be empty without it. Spirituality is a critical in today’s society. I think that without it, life would be a lot less hopeful. No matter what you believe.
Uruguay, Montevideo Temple
2- I am not thankful for crazies on the road that drive me nuts, or traffic, or red lights. I think I am cursed to deal with them on a daily basis.
3- Thankful for my mom. She. Is. Incredible. Somehow she makes 25 hours come out of a day. She is so supportive of people and what we do as her children. She is loyal and will stand by us till hells end. Couldn’t have gotten a better mom. Love that she cares about my life and what I do with it. She. Rocks.
Yes. She is cool than your mom.
4- I am not thankful for spiders. Need I say more?
5- My dad. He is the coolest guy on the planet. He has taught me how to be successful, and how to take control of my life. I would be no where with out his famous saying.. “go to school and keep your pants on.” I love how we can think outside of the box and still hold to his believes. He is an incredible man. Id be nothing without his example in my life.
Learned everything i know from this mug.
6- I am not thankful for ignorant people. Whatsoever. Those who can't accept that other people have different beliefs and can love them. They drive me nuts. Honestly they make me angry and upset. I see this on a regular basis being in Utah and there are days I wish I lived on the east coast…maybe med school.
7- I am thankful for my sister Sarah. For the longest time we hated each other. Then the best thing happened and we became best friends. More than best friends. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t talk to her on a regular basis. We understand each other on a level that blows my mind sometimes. Don’t know how I survived my mission without seeing her. But all I can say is I am glad I don’t have to do that again. Love her to death.
We are soarin...flying..
8- I am not thankful for cereal. It. Is NASTY! I know people think I am insane. But think about it….what are you really eating…?
9- I am thankful for my brother in law Brian. He is the older and super cool brother that I didn’t get. I don’t think he understands how much I actually look up to him. He is an example of being a husband and a father that I only hope that I can become. Whenever I have car troubles, or anything that is mechanical… I go to Brian first. And 99.9999% he knows what is wrong. Don’t know how I survived without you amigo.
He is the "cool" one of the family. P.S. He isnt actually wearing that costume...
10- I am not thankful for old people in my college classes who think they are best friends with the professors just because they are from the same generation. I am glad you are coming back to school. I support that. But come on…you are no different than the res of us.
11- I am thankful for my brother Eric. Currently he is roughing it out in Washington and I couldn’t be more proud of him. He is the strongest kid I know. Sometimes he wants to give up and be like everyone else…but he doesn’t. Which amazes me. He and I share a bond that only brothers have, and I am so proud to say he is my brother. He is the black sheep and doesn’t care. Sometimes I wish I had his carefree attitude. It would take care of a lot of the stress.
Miss this kid, and his incredibly large nose.
12- I am not thankful for tuition payments. They are evil. Satan invented them. End. Of. Story.
13- I am thankful for my sister Emily. Oh Emily. How we rock. She and I are kind of the same person yet completely different. She is the only one that understands when I start to talk about gas laws, and glomerulouses, and all things science. She is an example to me in that she is incredibly righteous. She make me want to be better at life. She also can do anything. Well except cook….and history…haha life would be a lot more boring without you in my life Em! 
Emily and her squeeze General Chamberlin
14- I am not thankful for Voldemort or Umbridge. They both stand for racism and degrading people that are not what you think is honorable. They epitomize all the evils of bigotry and hatred. All they care about is power, yet fail to realize the greatest power of all is love.
15- I am thankful for my nephew Zach. He is the cutest child on the planet. The moment I met him I felt this bizzaro connection with the kid. He is my first nephew and as such will probably be spoiled till he dies. We play awesome games such as, super punch, 1 2 3 4, im gonna get you, say MAX, zack of beans, and his new favorite…the electric chair.
Training him how to use his creep.
16- I am not thankful for lazy people at work. All I ask is you do your job. Don’t make me do it for you. That’s lame. And worthy to be on this list
17- I am thankful for all of my extended family. We are all a bunch of psychos…but we are the coolest psychos this side of them Mississippi. (and on the other side of this great river) Whenever we get together it’s a party. We are all different, but we are all the same in one way or another. Just face it. My family is 3 billion times cooler than your. Yup. Its true.
18- I am not thankful for being tired. Really who likes to be tired? It’s annoying and I feel like I am tired far too much. Who is with me?
19- I am thankful for this awesome girl named Kylie. She makes me a better person. Our story is crazy and filled with adventures and I would have it no other way. I am so glad my car broke down on the side of the free way. She is intelligent, beautiful, independent, hilarious, and supportive of all I do. (except when I wear my grandpa socks….) I love her, and am so lucky to have her in my life!
Pure. Awesome.
20- I am not thankful for singles wards. I have yet to find one where I feel welcome. They always are filled with crazies looking to get married at the drop of a hat, who look at you like you’re a leper if you don’t think the same way they do. All I gotta say is calm down. If we are living good lives….things. Will. Work. Out. I always feel ostracized from singles wards. They make me feel uncomfortable. Deal with it.
21- I am very thankful for my INCREDIBLE friends. We are insane. Insane. Each of us is crazy in our own ways, but when you put us all together we are a forced to be reckoned with. I have never met a group of less judging/caring people in the world. Doesn’t matter who you are, they will be your friend for eternity. They know how to love life, and live everyday laughing. And they will stand by you through thick and thin. What more could you ask for in a friend? You all know who you are. If I made a list it would be longer than the bible. If you read this. Thanks.
22- I am not thankful for being sick. Come on leukocytes. Kick it into high gear!
23- I am thankful for higher education. It is kind of the purpose of my life. I whine and gripe about it being stressful and difficult (which it is….) but I need it in my life. I love going to school and feeling apart of something bigger. While it causes me grief and is a demanding mistress. I would be so lost without you school!
24- I am not thankful for most sports. Such as basketball. I have a lot of trauma from my past from being the “scronny” “skinny” kid in my gym classes as the one that cant do anything. Lots of bad memories. Lots of bullying. Don’t like sports.
25- I am thankful for my career path. There are tons of people out there who don’t know what they want to do with their life…and that thought of not knowing what I want to do scares me dead. Glad my dad instilled in my mind that we need to have a plan for our future. I think it’s a big part of why I am ambitious.
26- I am not thankful for Drama. Most of the time it is unnecessary and stupid. If people would just talk about things to those they care about, a lot of things would be resolved. Normally it doesn’t…and it becomes a pride issue. And can ultimately kill relationships. Not good.
27- I am thankful for books. I cant really describe how I feel about these things. They give me a place to go when I am tired of the world. So many things can be learned just by picking up a good book. They have power. I am 98.7% sure that everything we know about came from a book.
28- I am not thankful for preserved lobster copses in my zoology lab. They are gross and stick like you wouldn’t believe…and I have smelled a gross number of things in my academic career.
29- I am thankful for America. We are a pretty awesome nation. Wouldn’t want to live anywhere else. Compared to the rest of the world we have it pretty nice. Complain all you want about our government. But go try and live in a third world country for two years. You’ll appreciate this country a little bit better.
30- I am not thankful for Ursula from “The Little Mermaid.” She is a creep. But I kinda love her creepiness.
31- I am thankful for honest and nice people. They give me hope. To see someone helping on my way home, to see a dad playing with his kids, giving a heart felt present to someone. These things inspire me to be better. In a world where selfishness the most important thing…it is miraculous to see someone else help another. The world could do with a lot more of it.
Zach couldnt really control where he was looking at the time...
    WOW that was a long post. But well worth it. I now have proper ammunition to use at any family thanksgiving activity that may occur. If you read this ALL THE WAY. You are awesome. And I will give you 400 blogging points. With an extra 500 if it made you think of things you are thankful and not thankful for. Leave feedback! I love it. One could say that I am thankful for feedback…

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

"Judge not, lest ye be Judged"

Congratulations Obama! This kid supports you!

Well…here is the big post that I have been formulating. Just a preface, this will be a true onslaught of my feelings, so if you suffer from poor heart rate, pregnancy, or a closed mind…please vacate the premise. I want to be transparent and honest in this post. And if you can’t handle that. Leave please.

          I thought that this year’s election was awesome. The road to get to Tuesday night was incredibly hellish, but I thought that when it finally came it came with a bang. As with all holidays I was very excited for the day and was waiting to see what would happen. Not gonna lie, I thought Romney was going to take it away. However, once California went to Obama. I knew Romney had lost. And I was INCREDIBLY glad.

I don’t want to spend this post ranting on what I believe. For your information. I am a liberal. I support Obama. Enough said. This post is more about my feeling for my state and the people that are in it. After Obama had won I witnessed some of the most horrific things I have read on social media. I watched the election while copying things people were saying that were just out right insane. I have complied a list and will share them at the end. I knew it was going to get brutal. But what I experienced was more than brutal it was zealous hate.
I honestly do not care who you voted for and what you believe. Whether you are a republican, democrat, libertarian, Mormon, Catholic, Muslim, black, white, gay, straight, or whatever you believe… I try and support you. (This is a big reason as to why I am a liberal). I know my religion can have judgmental issues sometimes, but Tuesday night I was ashamed to call myself a Mormon and I am completely mortified of how my state acted. For a church that prides itself on being “followers of Christ” I saw more hate come from a Christian group than I have seen in a long time. The majority of people were as far from “Christ like” as you can get. (At this moment please direct yourself to the quote section of this page and see for yourself.) The hypocrisy was at its finest. I lost incredible amounts of respect for people who I thought were god-fearing people as they attack and belittle a man who deserves just the same amount of respect as anyone. I have co-workers who aren’t too fond of the LDS church and after the election they can’t stand us. They think our reaction is pathetic. Way to teach by example guys… Christ taught that the second greatest commandment was to love your neighbor. Well a lot of people broke that commandment Tuesday night.

Now I don’t want this to sound like I am perfect. I belittle and judge just as much as the other person. But Tuesday night the comments were honestly making me sick. What gives a human being the right to attack another person, to make assassination threats, to proclaim the world is ending just because of what someone else believes!? If I recall when Hitler did this in Germany things didn’t end so well…and we condemned him to hell. Obama is now the president of the United States. If you like this or not, we need to support the man. He has possibly one of the hardest jobs that anyone can have. Nothing is going to get accomplished in this country if we all just sit around and throw shit at the man, saying he isn’t who God wanted as the president and that America is a wicked generation because of it. America was built by uniting together and overcoming oppression. We mock the founding fathers as we become so divided and hateful towards one person’s ambitions to make this country a better place. Whether you like him or not.

            My goal of this post is not to defend Obama or his agenda. It is to defend human decency. We as human beings need to improve. We live in the 21st century. Accepting differences needs to be second nature. We can hold on to our own beliefs and support different beliefs at the same time. It. Is Okay. I was ashamed of my religion and state this election, and I can only hope we can now pull together, put all these petty differences aside, and embrace the future. Whatever. It. holds. If we do this, then America return to what it was. If you get anything out of this measly post by a disgruntled citizen, please make it that we are all human. We all have faults, and god loves every single one of us. Including Obama, republicans, communists, the gays, the terrorists, and even the atheists. If god loves everyone, and sees them for the human beings they are…why can’t we?


To end here is a quote that sums up everything that an election should be about.


“A friendly reminder. Some of you are going to have your candidate win today and some of you will have your candidate lose. How you handle the fact says a lot about YOU! The world will not be overtaken by snakes and raining frogs simply because the other guy won. Its that kind of hyper-partisan thinking that keeps us from real solutions. The winner simply got more electoral votes than the non-winner did. Let’s keep some perspective. Then demand our elected leaders work bi-partisanly to get us back on track.”



Here are the quotes I heard that made me sick. Feel free to vote for your favorite!

“Obama sold the voting business to count  ballets to Mexico, so they will count the ballets and he can cheat…”

 “Because Romney has the priesthood he will be able to save this fallen country…” (did Abraham Lincoln have the priesthood….?)

 “I am unemployed, and I still voted for Romney. Please do not give me some stupid speech about income being the only reason you're voting for a certain candidate.”

 “It is crazy that Democrats will tell you the number of jobs that have been created  as something positive, yet don’t understand the fact that tons of people lost their jobs than gained a job, raising the unemployment percentage to like 7.9. That's like only paying attention to the money you earn and being happy, yet ignoring the fact that you're spending a whole lot more than you're actually making. But, I guess this President is pretty good at that too.” (When Obama took office unemployment was at 10% just saying….do the math. Even I can do that math!)

 We can’t afford four more years like the last.” (Tweet from Romney’s Campaign)

 At least I can still be proud of my state.....not so sure about my country right now!” (Reference to Utah and Romney)

 Well... I guess I'm moving out of the country” (to where? A more socialist country…?)

“Congratulations America, our stupidity amazes me…” (in regards to Obama winning)

 “I am so frustrated right now, looking back at the past four years. How can America be so stupid!?” (this one is high on my list)

 “I'm disappointed and very depressed for our future...” (WHY!?)

 “ The country is screwed. The. End.” (winner?)


 “Well, now I truly understand the phrase from Elder Holland in the missionary press conference last month on why the Lord is hastening His work.” (trying to understand this one…)

 “Abomination means obomanation.” (second place maybe..?)

 “we are all doomed”

“now I know you're not going to understand this, but... we're screwed” (yeah…I don’t understand…)

 I honestly feel sick. Complete loss of hope in our country. Whatever. I hope you all get what you wished for.”

He won because our nation is ripening for destruction as "the voice of the people" have chosen wickedness. Sad.” (THIS IS MY WINNER!)


 Too bad there's no land left to settle and start over. Anyone else up for moving to space?”

 Thankful tweet: I'm glad I'm in god’s hands and not this country's” (Well gods will wants Obama as president….)

 Prepare from this country to go to crap anybody who voted for Obama if I hear you b**** about what happens look in the mirror and say I'm to blame! Because you helped make it possible. I'm not saying it because I'm Mormon and feel Romney was the man but A dog could do a better job than Obama” (tied for a winner. This one is just cruel)

 To keep it fun. I also accumulated funny quotes I found in the election. Hope this puts a smile on your face and lightens the mood of this post! : D
 Hey everyone, just a friendly reminder tomorrow is national "please stop posting shit about the election on Facebook" day. Please observe. Thank you.”
 “I think we should have the presidential candidates compete in an American gladiator style obstacle course. (Complete with tights) Fastest time wins.”
  “No one is moving out of this country if their candidate doesn’t win. SHUT UP!”
 Why did the voter go to the strip club? He was looking for his polling station”
 “If Romney wins I'm moving to hell.” –Tweet from God. (LOVE this one)
 “Did you know that if you don’t post a pic of your “I voted” sticker that your vote doesn’t really count…?”
 “I saw a guy with two “I Voted” stickers on so I called the cops.”
 “Todays the day. Vote or Keep your mouth shut for the next four years…”
 Dear Florida. Why must you be a pain ever four years? Sheesh!”
 “You’re Welcome” (Tweet from God about Obama)
 Yes America. You just re-elected the man who was a terrorist Muslim without a valid birth certificate (according to Fox news... haha!) I raise my glass to another four years of the person I stood behind 4 years ago. Keep it rolling, Obama.”
 I like bagels.” (personal favorite!)
 Me: Obama won. My little brother: Awe man, that means we are gonna have even worse school lunch!!” (winner!)
“Really disappointed with peoples' reactions... Have your lives REALLY been so negatively affected by the policies of pres obama? Do you really think that this election is the end?.. Try to think outside your own boxes my friends.” (AMEN!)
 Facebook tonight is like a bad accident. You want to look away because its so gross, but it draws you in. People are extremely disrespectful.”
 Worst part if being at Romney HQ, no alcohol to drown your sorrows” (who bets that he did…)
 “OH NO! OBAMA WON REELECTION! THE WORLD IS GOING TO HELL! Just like it did last time he was elected. I mean, come on, the economy started improving within three months of his inauguration and entered recovery within 14 months; GNP is now at an all-time high, growing equivalent to pre-recession rates. Hell sure seems nicer than I had expected...”
 “Dumbledore was gay…so wouldn’t he support Obama…?”

P.S if you made it through this post give yourself 900 blog points. It’s a heavy one.

P.P.S. If I offended you in any way I apologize. However, I was offended more than once and I needed to vent about it.
P.P.P.S I understand that politics will always be heated, but i thought this election was atrocious.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


Okay I know this is 7 months after my last…but don’t judge just love. My life has been psychopathic busy, and lets face it…I suck at blogging. But we are approaching finals and I need some way to de stress which doesn’t involve me ranting to my sister or girlfriend. So once again…me and the blog meet once more.
All craziness aside my life couldn’t have gotten better since that last time I posted. I made a huge life changing experience and I couldn’t be happier. This happened towards the beginning of June, and it was one hell of a ride. Thought it would ruin my summer. Alas, it was one of the best decisions I could have made. PLUS it allowed me to meet one of the most incredible people in the world. Her name is Kylie White, she is my girlfriend, and yes she is cooler than yours. After apologizing to her for being a mega douche for awhile, we repaired our relationship on the side of the road in Centerville. Since then, we have kinda been inseparable. Fireworks happened in more than one way on July 4th, and to quote an incredible musical. “I couldn’t be happier” (ps. If you know from what musical that is I will give you 200 cool points.
Yeah...We are freaking adorable.
Sentimental moment. During this insane life change, I learned that I have the most incredible friends on the planet. They didn’t understand everything that was going on, and sometimes they didn’t want it to happen…but through it all they stood by me and supported what I felt was right. Pretty sure the definition of friends needs to be that in the dictionary. Not quite sure what I did to get blessed with such friends, but I would be an utter mess without them. So thanks amigos. You know who you are!
Desert Cook off of 2012.
Children of the Corn..
On our way to Hogwarts

This single event caused my summer to be AWESOME. We started the three months of glory with a wonderful summer solstice party. I took botany and a chemistry class in the summer, and even that didn’t ruin the adventures I went on. The summer was filled with Mario parties, sensual pineapples, and a week long camping trip in the Uintahs that I am 97% sure is actual heaven on earth. (Not lying).
Fall quickly came and I was determined to make the most of the semester. I royally screwed my last semester up, and I can proudly say I have kicked this semester in the face. I am taking chemistry (which fights back on occasion), biopsychology, drugs and behavior, and zoology II. It’s a crazy ride and i don’t know how I do it, but somehow I am loving this semester. In the spring I will start taking all upper division classes, and writing my capstone for neuroscience. Boo. Yeah.
I feel like I am rambling…maybe so. Anyway. Life is good. More than good…it’s incredible. To make this post not as happy go lucky though…I have two beefs at the moment…here they are.
The election. I love politics. They are fantastic. But when people start making it a personal issue and glorifying who they support. I. Cant. Handle. It. The week of 9-11 social media was a buzz about how we are all patriotic and the best country out there. It was refreshing to see, especially when this country is struggling. However, the very next week people started attacking the presidential candidates…HOW DOES THIS MAKE SENSE!? And when I say attacking I don’t mean some political banter…it was full on Obama is not American. HOW!? He is the bloody president of this country. How in Zeus’ name is the president of this country not an American….? Baffles me. I honestly don’t care who you support. I like Obama I am a liberal…some like Romney… doesn’t bother me. What does bother me a lot is when you close your mind and start believing idiotic rumors about the opponent and you think its scripture. You then attack others because they don’t believe the same thing. Grow up people. We all root for the same team. Get. Educated. (this probably should have been a separate post….my bad… more to come…)
This Is who I am voting for!
Second rant….zealous Mormons. I believe in the LDS church. I served it for two years and have a burning testimony of this gospel. But so help me when you attack others for not believing exactly the way you do…I get pissed. Real pissed. Everyone has different beliefs and morals and what gives people the right to judge others. God has given everyone the right to choose their paths, and if mine differs from your zealous path a bit…leave me alone please. Religious Zeal is a form of pride, and is just as damning as any other sin. People can bash on Obama like he is the Antichrist like its nobodies business…but if I say shit it is grounds for excommunication? Something is wrong here. Why are people so worried about modesty, swearing, and trivial stuff like this, when we could be cultivating our spirituality and reaching out and helping others? Isn’t one more important than the other? People in my life have been hurt because they do stuff that others think is wrong. Even if it is...why is it your business, and isn’t that what repentance is for? Nothing makes me not want to be less spiritual more than morons who don’t understand that being different and having different beliefs is not a sin. Maybe I will just become a neopagan….heh So people…don’t be a Pharisee and throw rocks at the adulterer. Lift them up and be a friend.
Okay I am done with my rant, and this post. Sorry it’s so massive. Just thought I would update the blogging world with my thoughts. I am trying to make it a goal and keep this thing updated. Oddly enough every time I do post…I feel so much better! Three cheers for stress relieving!
P.S. As of this moment there are 51 days till Christmas. Be. Excited.
P.P.S If you read this entire thing…you get 300 blogging points. Another 200 more and you could gain a level….make it a goal.