Monday, January 30, 2012

One long day....

   Okay, so i know what you are thinking...Really Max ANOTHER blog...?!? And yes i feel the same. I am a slightly terrible blogger. My last blog was magical, yet i didn't do anything on it...which is lame. I gave up hope for awhile until spring semester started here at Weber. Alas i am SUPER stressed and very busy and have decided i needed to vent via words. Hence this new blog. However, this is a more personal blog. I have it private just cause i don't want to have other people influence what i put on here. All posts will be me. 100%. So if you read it and don't like it...tough!

   Today was one of those days from Hell. Yes in a very literal way Satan prepares a very nice concoction of frustration and throws it in your face! I hate that man. For the past week i had been studying my butt off for my first Chemistry exam. Now, chemistry and i share a bitter rivalry that one day must be won...yet today i must admit chemistry is 1 and Max is 0. I took the exam at 7.30am this morning and felt quite prepared. I had done 80 of the 95 review problems, and had studied like a champion. I started my test and everything felt as if it was going well. There were some problems that i was confused on, yet there was no specific problem that i just did not know. SO i thought, okay i am going to hit the "end your test now" button and see the results. Well, i wish i never hit that stupid button. I got 12 out of 25 problems right. For those clever enough to do the math in your head that is a 48%. Yes that's right a 48%!!!!! I was mortified, shocked, and wanted to throw up. This is the lowest score i have EVER gotten on a test. EVER. I was not very excited to be alive at that moment. For the rest of the day i felt this sick feeling. I want to be a doctor. It is a dream. My dream. I cant think of anything else i could be. Everything else just doesn't work. Well in order to be a doctor you have to know i think for the first time since i have wanted to be a doctor i felt like...well maybe i cant do this....and it mortified me. The thought that i may not be able to achieve my dream because of a stupid empirical formula gives me a revulsion like non other. It makes me sick.This is how the day began....
   Hellfire ball number two and three that Satan threw at me came at work. After my dismal display at incompetence in chemistry, i had to go to work. I am in the call center as was Sarah, and boy do we get some wonderful people who call in. For the past month i have been working my customer service butt off so my team could get top team. Well, today i got my stats score and i was 83%. I usually get a 96-98%. So once again, i was mortified. This coupled with a nasty man who yelled at me for something another employee did just ended the day wonderfully. Luckily this is not where the day ended and weirdly enough things get better.
   I arrived home slightly moody.( Okay i was pissed) But my mother, bless her heart, had i assume told everyone about my fun day and they all left me alone. She also made breakfast burritos for dinner. Excellent combo Mom, plus 50 awesome points. After dinner i was still upset and very resistant to doing my chemistry homework. So the family took a visit to my cousin Tyler. This kid has just broken his femur while snowboarding. The sad thing is he JUST tore is ACL a couple of months ago. Needless to say the kid knows what pain is. We visited for about an hour, and it really changed my mood. You know that saying when you are angry or sad you should help someone else and it will make you feel better? Well it works. Seeing my cousin with his full leg cast and stranded to a small room in a bed made me think on the entire day. Yes my day may have sucked mucho, but there is always some who probably has it worse. I mean I may have gotten a 48% on a test, but my femur isn't broken. I am not bound to a bed for the next 6 months. My siblings and i made him laugh. His mom said he hasn't really done much of that since he broke the leg. Puts life into perspective

   The point of this blog is just that. My rants about life and what i learn from them. Sometimes i may not learn, and sometimes i may just vent about how this world is filled to the brink of stupidity. However, like today there are moments where you just have to learn a little about life. Dreams are dreams, and we can never give up. Moms are wonderful people. Enduring is a very difficult thing to do. Help people. This is kinda a little of what i learned today. So it turns out that even the worst of days, can become the best of days.

Picture of some amigos with my Cousin (right hand corner) at HP 7P2 premiere...good night like this one....

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