Friday, February 14, 2014

Thoughts on Being a Bookworm

Love this....a lot....

            My sister and I had an EPIC conversation this morning about literature. One of those awesome philosophical conversations that we engage in. Nothing special. We touched a little of infinity but no big deal. So this post will be about books. Why I love them. Why they mean so much to me. Here is an insight into the workings of my soul.
            I don’t specifically remember when I started loving books. Always have. I do remember that the first word I could spell was Aladdin. In reality it was probably my name or "mom" or something lame like that….Aladdin is just so much cooler. What I do remember is we always had books around. Eric and I shared a room and we had this massive bookshelf that was always messy. From Dr. Seuss books, to Amelia Bodelia, we always had something to read. My favorite kid book is tied between “Where the Wild Things Are” and “Dinner Time.” Dinner time is a pop up monster book that haunted my childhood. My mom got it for my wedding. She rocks. of the most terrifying books of all time...

            From there on I fell in love with books. As I entered 4th grade I discovered Harry Potter and from there it all began. At this time I learned to use literature as an escape. Here was this perfect world that I could throw myself into. I put parts of my soul into books and in return they gave me shelter and peace from the crazy puberty world around me. I was bullied as a kid. Books gave me the safety of escaping all of that and entering a place where no one would bully me. Harry, Ron, and Hermione became my best friends. I was Jonas from the Giver. He thought be to see color. I wanted to go to Terebithia with my best friend. I would fight Orcs with Aragon. I escaped with Aslan through the wardrobe. Books gave me freedom from the pressures of the world. They were my drug of choice.
            Then sixth grade happened and Mrs. Hatch showed me a whole new world (BOOM another Aladdin reference.) to books. She taught me how to analyze, research, and ponder the deeper meanings of books. Once I started doing this I never stopped. I was introduced to "Lord of the Flies", "Dandelion Wine", "In Cold Blood", "Beowulf", "The Iliad", and countless other books that changed how I viewed the world. I learned that books have devastating power. They can change the world and influence individuals far greater than most things in this world. You can’t just read “Night” by Elie Wiesel and not be moved. Books now became not only my escape, but my gateway to learn the truly powerful lessons that enhance my life.

Oh Dumbledore...why are you so cool!?
            Finally, books gave me the heroes that are dear to me. Literary heroes have some amazing potential. The authors craft these gorgeous characters that connect to you on levels that you didn’t think possible. Dumbledore became a father figure to me. Hermione became to represent knowledge and loyalty to me. Katniss became bravery and strength. Robert Langdon became insight and intrigue. Aslan was (and is) a deity. Charlie became insecurity and overcoming it. Hazel became hope and faith in a better future by building on a difficult past. These characters became role models. They became friends. They became examples.
            To end, I cannot describe how much books have molded me and made me who I am today. They will always be my escape, my power and my example. Reading is probably my favorite past time of all. I will always do it. To read is to have power. There is nothing more true to that. There are worlds and inspiration out there, and all we have to do is turn the page.
Pure Truth

p.s. 5000 blog points if you comment on your favorite book.
p.p.s 500 for reading
p.p.p.s 50000 if you recommend a book for me to read!

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