Saturday, May 11, 2013

10 Dirty Little Secrets...kind of...

Well I have noticed the past couple of blog posts have been rather depressing…and I hate depressing. As a self proclaimed optimist I hate when I find myself in the dumps. It stinks. (Pun intended.) So this post is a random and joy free. It is a list of ten things that most people don’t know about me. Unless we are besties then this is probably going to be a nice refresher.
How i responded to how many negative posts ive done.


10 Secrets about Max George (or things you just didn’t know about me…)
emily is excited about this should be too!


1-Donkeys over Elephants.

            This one isn’t a secret or anything but I consider myself to be a democrat. Quite liberal. I believe that abortion is a woman’s choice, I believe in Gay Rights, I believe Stem cell research can save the world, I believe in partial gun control, and I like Obama. Most people when they find this out about me have a mid life crisis. I don’t know why…It ay stem from the fact that I was a good little Mormon boy most of my youth, but hey what happened to growing up and figuring out your own life. Apparently they don’t believe in that… ;)   


2-Elementary my dear Watson.

            When I was a strapping young elementary student I was bullied horrendously. It got so bad that I ended up switching schools in the 5th grade. I was skinny, wore glasses, could not play sports to save my life, loved reading, and had more girl friends then boy friends. I pretty much set myself up for it. Kids were mean and they were ruthless. And it caused me a lot of self esteem issues for awhile. I HATE and LOATHE bullying. There is nothing more self destructive in my eyes. It’s bad. And I feel it’s a HUGE problem in Utah. Especially with our culture and the homosexual movement. Its wrong. End of story.  

This is fantastic.

3-Hydrozoa, Anthozoa, Cubozoa, and Scyphozoa

            I am a zoology student studying medicine. Most of my classes involve me learning about animals. Irony of this is I HATE animals. Not a fan. I love fish. Recently however I have become fascinated with the phylum Cnidaria, commonly known as the jellyfish family. The fact that they are the first beings that are close to sentience and show the first evolutionary neural links enthralls me. If we can learn how jellyfish became somewhat sentient then we can dive deeper into the human psyche. I am geeking out about this…but welcome to my life :D  


4-An unsolved mystery.

            Most of you know I LOVE the paranormal and secret societies, and conspiracy theories and the like. I grew up addicted to “Unsolved Mysteries,” and I now love a good horror movie. However, with that in mind, I HATE haunted house/spook alley things. They give me a massive sympathetic nervous reaction. If I am watching it on TV I can separate myself, however if I am there I want to throw punches. It’s a paradox really. And it drives Kylie nuts.

This man is 80% why the show scared me so bad...


5- Mythos

            It is no secret that I love to read. Love is a small word…obsession suites me better. Books are part of my soul. And my escape. However there is one book I have read more than any others. It is not any of the Harry Potter (they are a close second), It isn’t a childs book, and it is not the Book of Mormon. (Sorry…I am a sinner) It is Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. I got this book from my Amiga (Aubrey Carter this is you) back when I was like 13 for Christmas. And I have TORN it apart. Culture and mythology are a part of who I am, and this book is evidence of that. Its awesome.  
favorite book of all time.


6-Half way there….

            One of my biggest dreams in life is to become a member of the Freemason society. I have been enthralled with this organization since I was little. And I don’t know why. It may stem from my love of the occult. So if you know of anyone who is a Mason and wants a noobie. Let me know ASAP. I mean I am kind already there being a Mormon… ;)
So cool...


7-Yo ho, and a bottle of rum.

            If I could take a moral holiday and not believe in a health code I am 80% sure id be an alcoholic. For some bizarre reason these drinks have allured me ever since I read about butter beer. However, if I actually did drink…id either A-be a psycho drunk and end of casuing chaos, B-feel guilty because I know what it is doing to my liver and my brain, or C-Become a dead beat alcohol addict. So its probably a good thing I believe in the word of wisdom. Ill stick to my sparkling cider.
Just one of those days


8-Chef Boyarde

            I love to cook. It started on my mission as a stress reliever and it has stuck with me since. However…I HATE the clean up..which kinda makes cooking difficult. Also I don’t really ever have time to sit and cook something awesome, and when I do I usually end up experimenting and ruining the food. I guess it’s the mad scientist in me…I make a mean Avocado and Chicken salad though…just saying. Ask Elder Gomez about my Cinnamin Rolls.....
hehe True Story....

9-If you get the ball…just pass it to me okay?

            Oh sports….how I hate you. If you refer to number two I was often bullied for my lack of myosin and actin fibers. Many a jock looked at me incredulously as I tried to dribble a ball, or score a goal, or ran away from the football. This in turn made me hate a lot of jock. And sports in general. With that in mind I do love Tennis. And Baseball. But the minute it gets heated or competitive. Im outta there.

I may have called a soccer field a court the other day.....



            It is no surprise to people that I love taking pictures. Cody Haslem will thank me one day for my obsession. However, most people don’t know that I hate taking “nice” pictures of myself. (once again I think it stems from number 2) I love my goofy and crazy pictures, but I always think I look malnourished and emaciated when I try and attempt a “good” picture. This makes life fun when my beautiful chica friend is on pars with Barney Stimpson and cant take a picture that the gods are envious of. She is gorgeous. Im lanky and awkward. We even it our I guess… ;D
Love this girlie...a lot. Dont know how she puts up with me or my sunglasses....


This was fun. More people should blog about this. Leave feedback! I do love it so. Or just leave a comment about something people don’t really know about!


p.s. Blog points are back! You get 200 for reading this and another 300 as a bonus for all my depressing stuff as of late! If you are over 2000 you have now leveled up and have learned the share Max’s blog skill. Which is super effective…all the time!



  1. Max I never would have guessed about you being bullied. You were always so cool to me. Um and I think you have a typo on the last one... "can't take a picture that the gods are(insert n't) envious of". Thought that is what ya meant anyway! Good post.. keep them coming.

  2. Yes, I knew all of these! WIN! Well, except the fact that you had to move from the bullying. I only remember the bullying part. Also, you always look great in pictures. You don't have a double chin, you have great hair...the list goes on...ANYWAY! I like this positive post! YAY! You should totally become a Mason, just hang around the Mason building in Clearfield and see if you can pick one up. It's like being jail-bait, but cooler.

  3. I'm really not sure if I'll ever thank you for THAT many photos.

  4. I think the reason people are surprised at number 1 for you is that Utah Mormons have a hard time separating their politics from their beliefs. The best example I can think of is alcohol. I strongly believe in the Word of Wisdom, but I also believe people have the right to choose whether or not they consume alcohol. Utah Mormons have the nasty habit of following Lucifer's own logic: everyone will do the right thing because they have to. Yes we need to stand up for what is right, but we also need to allow people to have their agency.
