Friday, May 17, 2013

Top 40 killed the radio star...

I have been on a blogging kick for awhile and i love it. It is very stress relieving. So here is another post about the random happenings of  my life.

I drive a lot. Sometimes  i think i am in my car more than my bed. I go to a commuters school, and therefore, me and the radio are kind of best friends. I have 5 presets and they keep me entertained for much of the day. With this in mind, i am quite familiar with the top 40 songs that are being played. Music is really a fickle thing. We all love it, but once we hear something over and over and over and over and over it starts to lose its pizazz. This blog post is a personal opinion to the singers who are so ubiquitous on the radio right now,  that they have started to make my ears bleed. A lot. Most of them i really love their music....but they just need to take a well deserved break. Like a musical ciesta! I will also comment to those who should be played more. As to spice up my time in my car up a bit....

Go take a break of your kit-kat bar.
Taylor Swift: Did anyone not see this one coming!? Her newest stuff is not horrendous...but i cant turn on the radio without feeling like i am swimming upstream in a hormonal avalanche. I do not want to forever feel like im 22, i do not want to go back to December, you are trouble when i hear you on the radio, and please stop crying on your guitar... its gross. And Taylor, maybe sing about more than just sadness. Or i may never listen to your songs ever again. Like ever.

So true...

Rihanna: Oh Riri....your songs are ridiculous. And i do not knowwhy the world loves you so much. My biggest beef with Rihanna is her songs are on ALL the time...and they say the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. (I just wrote the next Rihanna song.) Just go listen to "Diamond" 98% of that song is her telling us that she shines bright like a hardened form of carbon.

This made me really LOL

Maroon 5: I used to really like these guys. Back in high school they were the bees knees. Then they got famous. And now i want to strangle the high pitched payphone every time i hear him. The songs wouldn't be bad if i didn't hear them everywhere i go! They are like an STD. It was fun in the beginning, but now it is with you FOR-EV-ER!!!!

Adele: I love Adele. I think she is brilliant and her voice is incredible. However, i am 98.78% sure that if you tuned in on a radio on mars...Adele would be on. I think her songs are passionate and deep. But imagine eating chocolate cake every time you turned on the radio. You'd puke. And i am getting that way with Adele. Sorry chap.
This also just made me laugh...

Bruno Mars: Oh Bruno, much like our Maroon 5 peeps you were once awesome. Your first album was way classy. make me have uncomfortable bowel movements. His new music is only "okay," but for some reason I feel the radio believes his music was written by God. I swear if i counted how many times he wishes he was your man in a day, id reach infinity. Take a break Mr. Peter Hernandez.
You go grumpy cat!

Shania Twain: Why. Why in all of the gods names is this woman still on the radio. Its not that she is over played so much, but its that she is STILL on the radio. We really don’t have enough good music to play that we resort to Shania. I don’t understand. Her songs give me nightmares and get stuck in my head for 2000 plus years. Uh oh oh.

Bands I think should be played more. 
-Fall out Boy: There new music is INCREDIBLE! (Elton John even thinks so...)
-Of Monsters and Men
-Florence + the Machine
-Some of the Youtube Stars!
-Imagine Dragons
-Neon Trees
-Pink and FUN. Together.....
-Katy Perry (just because i want her children...)
-Michael Buble (who doesn't like the boobs?)
-He is We

   This is just an opinion. Dont hate. Add any to either list. I want to know if people agree or disagree!

p.s. You just earned 200 blog points! HOORAY!


  1. Reel Big Fish provides us with a great solution to your problem:
    "Turn the radio off. Try thinking for yourself for once in your life."
    -"Turn the Radio Off"

    We've got CDs. We've got MP3 players. Some of us even have cassette tapes still. If you don't like what is on the radio don't listen to the radio. You can have complete control over what you listen to.

    This isn't a personal attack on you, Max. This is how I feel whenever anyway complains about what's on the radio.

  2. T-Swift is too much for me. She sounds like a spoiled, whiny teen princess with how much she complains about boys. I've been long since done with her overwhelming acoustic angst. PS, this post rules and are my thoughts exactly.

  3. I think your list of bands that need to be played more need to only be played more if its less of the same song over and over and more of their music generally.

  4. Max, you are truly hilarious. I laughed out loud reading this.

  5. Your list is perfect. Wouldn't have changed a thing. One mind.

  6. But you know the second they start playing our amazing bands on the radio, they will OVER play them. You'll only become sick of them like you did with Maroon 5. :)
